If you are considering the method of moving from one level of degree to the next, online education allows you to do just that. One of the most difficult aspects for those that are looking for a way to advance is working and getting schooling done. On top of that, you may have a family to attend to as well. All of these things add up and they add up to no time. Yet cheap air max 98 , when you consider moving your education to the online community, you still get the same education only you do it at your time.
Online nursing schools can allow you to advance quickly, without the risk or worry of getting there successfully. You can take your courses when it fits your schedule. You can do one class per day or cram several on your few days off. You can work around your schedule at work or your schedule with your family. Those are flexibilities that you just can not get in a traditional school.
Getting Started
To begin your course of study, find the school that offers just what you need in an RN program. Then, determine the best method for taking your classes. You can usually determine your hands on, field work needs right from the curriculum. Often cheap air max 270 , the schools partner with area facilities for these needs. When you are ready to move from LPN to RN, earn your registered nursing degree online to find true success in your future.
Everyone who has kept a personal journal knows that writing is a therapeutic process that helps integrate seemingly unconnected life events. Some believe the process works because the physical act of writing (using your hand-eye coordination) occupies your left brain, leaving your right brain free to access emotions, intuit connections, and create new insights.
How else can journaling help?
1. Journaling reduces stress by getting ?monkey mind? thoughts out of your head. Mind chatter is a powerful stressor, stressor is a powerful health-buster cheap air max 95 , and journaling the chatter is a proven chatter-buster.
2. Writing about problems gives your right brain food for creative problem-solving. It's amazing what happens when the creative part of your nature starts working on a problem?you'll soon find solutions bubbling up from your subconscious.
3. Keeping a daily diary is one of the best techniques for discovering patterns, particularly those that are self-defeating. For example, a diary kept over the course of several months will clearly show any reoccurring difficulties like overeating, stress eating, poor (but similar) choices in relationships.
4. Want to better know yourself? Journal. Writing can help clarify your thoughts, your emotions cheap air max 97 , and your reactions to certain people or situations. In addition, as you read back through past journals, you'll have ample evidence of the things that make you happy and those that are distressful.
5. Journaling can help clarify events, problems, or options. When you're beset with a mind full of fuzzy, disconnected thoughts flitting here and there cheap air max 90 , writing about the event or issue will help bring focus and clarity. It will also help you decide on which action to take, or option to choose.
About The Author
Patti Testerman is content manager at , the only online site that analyzes your writing and then gives you instant feedback. Want to discover self-defeating patterns, or find better ways to communicate in a relationship? Check out our site. patti@
This article was posted on August 25, 2004
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